
Microsoft Bing Vs Google Bing Web Search Engine Comparison

What makes Microsoft Bing different from Google? Its web search engine offers many features including video, image, and map searching. The following comparison of the two web search engines will help you decide which one to use. You can also read about the Social media integration and the Market share of each. Weigh your options before making a decision. Here are some of the key points to consider:

Search engine

If you are looking for a good web search engine, consider Microsoft’s new Bing. The new web search engine is derived from Microsoft’s past search engines and includes web, video, image, map, and image searches. The new search engine is a great addition to any computer. To learn more about Bing, continue reading this article. Listed below are the benefits of using this web search engine. But before you switch, learn about what makes this search engine so unique.

Microsoft has been developing the Bing search engine for over a decade and it is rapidly eroding Google’s market share. Bing now holds less than three percent of the worldwide market, and its search engine is increasingly integrated into products made by Microsoft, such as Cortana. Microsoft’s search business is booming. The company expects to earn more than $8.53 billion in search advertising revenue by the end of its fiscal year 2021. According to Ahrefs, Bing has over one billion monthly visitors.

Market share

In terms of market share, Microsoft Bing is a distant second to Google, which has a 69.8 percent market share worldwide. The company has room to grow even further, however, as the company has a much smaller user base than Google. A look at the search engine’s usage in Asia and Latin America shows that Bing is still not as popular as Google is. Here are some reasons why. Listed below are some of Microsoft’s strengths and weaknesses.

While Google and Bing both have a large user base, Bing is slightly older than Google. The average Bing user is married with a family, with one-third of users living in a household with a household income of $100k or more. Nearly half have finished college, whereas only three percent had a bachelor’s degree. Nevertheless, there are still many Bing users out there, and it’s important to keep that in mind when you start preparing for Bing.


Despite the recent increase in Google search traffic, Bing’s popularity isn’t due to advertising campaigns, but rather to the novelty of its rebranded search offering. Though the splash page and search history are certainly cool features, they aren’t particularly innovative. Similarly, ASK has been doing related searches for a while, and its 3-D user experience was pretty cool. With this in mind, Microsoft hopes to reduce Google’s lead in the search engine market.

The Bing search engine offers users a host of useful features. It can display results from many sources, and it even allows users to search for multiple sources. For example, you can search for a football game using Bing and view context-specific information from multiple sources. You can even search for specific games or teams within the NFL. And all of these new features will soon be available to all Bing users. When used in conjunction with other search engines, Bing will automatically populate the search box, allowing you to access more detailed information.

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