
Track People With Air Tags

What is the function of Air Tags? They are Bluetooth-enabled homing beacons. You can track them from a distance. If you pair your device with one, you can trace it back to your account. Read on to learn about the features of AirTags. If you’re looking for a way to track people, check out this article. Then, you’ll know exactly how to pair your device with one.

AirTags are a Bluetooth-enabled homing beacon

Apple’s AirTag is a tiny Bluetooth-enabled homing beacon that uses ultra-wideband radio to pinpoint your exact location. It can also be used to drop secret messages. When paired with an Apple ID, AirTags can be scanned by both you and your friend. This enables you to get an idea of where your friend is. Once paired, AirTags can be used to find each other.

The AirTag’s proximity sensors can detect devices up to 30 feet away. When the device gets within 30 feet of the AirTag, it will ping the phone to let the owner know it is nearby. When you are in line at the pharmacy, for example, an AirTag could ping your phone so you can buy more medication. As an added security measure, Apple enlisted millions of devices to track the AirTag.

They can be tracked from far away

If you’ve ever lost your keys or lost your purse, you’ve probably heard about AirTags. Unlike most other Bluetooth-enabled devices, AirTags transmit a unique identifier using Bluetooth. Apple’s servers use this information to relay the location details to the owner’s iPhone or iPod touch. From as far away as thousands of miles away, the location of your AirTag can be viewed in the Find My app.

An AirTag that’s separated from its owner plays a chirp to warn those nearby. It displays an alert on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. The sound can be difficult to hear, and the speaker is easily tampered with. The next update will allow the device to notify its owner of unwanted tracking alerts. Although there’s no firm deadline for the release of the new features, the company plans to roll them out this year.

They can be traced back to paired accounts

Apple has partnered with law enforcement agencies to create a tracking feature for AirTags. If your AirTag is stolen, you can trace its owner by using an app called Tracker Detect, which searches for the item trackers separated from their owners. The app also scans for nearby devices. However, not all people can trace their AirTags back to paired accounts. If you are concerned that your AirTag might be stolen, you can contact your local law enforcement agency.

Apple allows law enforcement to trace an AirTag via the iCloud system, but first they must have a warrant. You can trace an AirTag to a paired account by enabling “Lost Mode.” Using “Lost Mode” will provide law enforcement with information about the owner’s phone number and email address. When the device is found, you can scan it using your iPhone or another NFC-enabled device.

They can be used to track people

For just $29, Apple’s AirTag can track people or cars. This inexpensive device has become so popular that criminals are also tapping into it to track vehicles and people. Police in Dearborn, Michigan, have seen an increase in reports of stalking and car theft since the AirTag was introduced in 2021. Unlike traditional stalking, however, which involves following a victim around, using an AirTag to follow someone can be a legitimate method of tracking a person.

However, Galperin doubts that Apple thought of all the real-world situations when designing AirTags. For example, an abuser could swap an AirTag with a victim, then disconnect from her partner’s device and re-connect with her own. Likewise, someone who is trying to kidnap a child could easily detect an AirTag in their car. This could make it harder for the child to hide.

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